Welcome to the platform of Baroon #
If you landed on this page, you were most likely invited to it by your property manager to use the new communication application.
We are happy to have you with us and hope that the services will help you and simplify the administrative workload.
A web app is available for the property manager and mobile apps are available for the owners in the respective app stores.
Property Manager #
If you are the manager yourself, please have a look at the instructions here.
Property Owner #
As an owner you have two options. Either you use our app from the respective store or you use the web application in a browser.
iPhone #
The app for Apple devices can be found in the app store
Android #
The version for Android devices can be found in the Google Store

Web App #
Log in to our web app with your login data
Register and log in #
Confirm your Account #
You will receive an email from no-reply@baroon.io with a green button at the end. When you click this button you will confirm and open your personal account.
A browser will open (or the app if it is already installed)

Choose your desired password and click Confirm
After that you can use the functions